Warren Buffett is no longer the richest man of 2009;Bill Gates, again got the No.1. It doesn't matter at all. Fortune is always not easy to valuate, or even estimate. I think none can really tell us who will be really richer, Mr. Buffett or Gates --even neither can they themselves.
As a matter of fact, Bill Gates is much younger than Warren Buffett and their fortune almost the same, therefore Bill Gates' return rate of investment should be much higher than Mr. Buffett -- remembering the power of time. But why is it Mr. Buffett that is much more noticed and loved by the people all over the world? Another fact is they are both the biggest charitarians in the world.
The personal charisma and wisdom is one of the important reason, but not all. From the view of investment, Mr. Gates' success is some kind of "venture investment", which is possible but not expected. But Mr. Buffett, we all know him as the greatest "value" investor. Absolutely, few can expect to become Buffett II, as well as Gates II, however, the "value" investment is much more definite than "venture" investment, isn't it?