US market has been stricken heavily by the sub prime. Even Warren Buffett, who became the richest man in the world today, admitted that US economy is being faced with fading. How about China?
Will China survive alone in this crisis? Of course US is a big and important market for Chinese manufactures and China's GDP is expected to increase only 8% this year, but that is still good enough. China itself has the greatest demand on this planet. Its people are stimulated successfully to consume much more than before. Please come to any supermarket or shopping mall in China, which is filled with customers no matter on weekend or workday national wide.
Chinese do not become rich one night; in fact, most Chinese are still much poorer than most American can imagine. However, persuaded by the central government, Chinese have decreased their saving and consumed more. You can find the novel iPhone at Chinese young men's hands, PSP played by children, and luxury auctioned on marts...
The overall PE of Chinese blue chips has kept on decreasing since last year end (now, it is only half compared to that of in mid 2007), PEG of blue chip section is less than 0.8. Jim Rogers, the legend world wide investor, has kept in collecting Chinese stocks for years. Just yesterday, Jim advocated strong buy! If you do not believe Chinese manufacturing, at least, you should never miss the retail sector.
Believe in 2008 or regret in 2009...
good suggestion:)